Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I miss you so much today
I can feel time inching closer
to that day when everything slams into me
and the world is nothing but a black hole
I endure for everyone else's sake.

I want them to take it away.
Just take the day out of the calendar
so I never have to look at it again.
so I never have to feel this way again.

22 years I have grieved for you.
and it has never lessened. never waivered.
and the tears are enough
to drown a soul completely.

all these years I have been lost
waiting for you to find me again.
and I could not convince myself
that you are not coming back.

But you aren't , are you?
And I have to figure how
I am going to make it through all of this
without you. Just not today.

I can't do it today.

©Vivid X Photography ( Merry Fucking Christmas)

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