Saturday, July 23, 2011

Just drive

Driving home today
I got caught in a raging thunderstorm.
I pulled over to the side of the road
and waited until it cleared enough
so I could see to drive.

For ten minutes I watched
the world beyond my windshield disappear.
For ten minutes (but it seemed like forever)
I thought about us..and my life..
and how I was sitting on the side of the road
the side of my life,
waiting for the rain to let up

But the rain isnt ever going to stop
and the side of the road is no place to live.
Eventually I will have to brave the storm
and drive
if I ever want to get anywhere,
( if I want to get past this)
even if I can't see the road ahead.

Even if I have to drive alone.
Even if...

The rain finally slowed to a trickle.
I started the car, and finally made my way home...

©Vivid X Photography ( The Drive Home)

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